Eligible Projects

Eligible educational projects include any building structure, facility, equipment, machinery, technology, utility, improvement, site, equipment, and furnishings to be used for or in connection with the conduct or operation of an educational institution, including but not limited to, classrooms and other institutional facilities, laboratories, research facilities, libraries, study facilities, administrative and office facilities, museums, gymnasiums, campus walks, drives and site improvements, dormitories and other suitable living quarters or accommodations, dining halls and other food service and preparation facilities, student service or activity facilities, physical education, athletic and recreational facilities, theaters, auditoriums, assembly and exhibition halls, greenhouses, agricultural buildings and facilities, parking, storage and maintenance facilities, infirmary, hospital, medical and health facilities, continuing education facilities, communications, fire prevention, and fire fighting facilities, and any one, or a combination of the foregoing, whether or not comprising part of one building, structure or facility. Section 3377.01(B) of the Revised Code provides that facilities used exclusively for devotional activities are not eligible projects.

Prior to the sale of any bonds for an educational project, the Commission must determine that the project will contribute to the objectives stated in Section 3377.02 of the Revised Code, and that the educational institution admits students without discrimination by reason of race, color, creed, or national origin.

Eligible healthcare projects include buildings, structures and other improvements, additions thereto and extensions thereof, furnishings, equipment, and real estate and interests in real estate, used or to be used for or in connection with one or more hospitals, emergency, intensive, intermediate, extended, long-term, or self-care facilities, diagnostic and treatment and out-patient facilities, facilities related to programs for home health services, clinics, laboratories, public health centers, research facilities, and rehabilitation facilities, for or pertaining to diagnosis, treatment, care, or rehabilitation of persons who are sick, ill, injured, infirm, or impairedor who have disabilities, or the prevention, detection, and control of disease, and also includes education, training, and food service facilities for health professions personnel, housing facilities for such personnel and their families, and parking and service facilities in connection with any of the foregoing; and includes any one, part of, or any combination of the foregoing; and further includes site improvements, utilities, machinery, facilities, furnishings, and any separate or connected buildings, structures, improvements, sites, utilities, facilities, or equipment to be used in, or in connection with the operation or maintenance of, or supplementing or otherwise related-to the services or facilities to be provided by, any one or more of such hospital facilities

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